One love

never enough love, spread it yeah
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The 4 Letter Word
Yeah you all knew it was coming the four letter word which causes all of us to act out of the ordinary, twist our emotions and quite frankly just cause havoc in the lives of those who tripped, busted their lips and fell in LOVE.
Yes ladies and gentlemen LOVE.
The tricky part about this emotion/feeling/curse and blessing is that it means something different to everyone. To some it is all romance, you know butterflies in the tummy, the taking away of breath and such. And to others it is more the practical i.e. sacrifice, patience dedication etc. Heck pain is love to others! (not too sure about that one but anyway…)
That just leaves me with the question of what those four letters mean to you…and I have come to the conclusion that Love to me is a word of infinite meaning. It is the romantic, the practical, the passionate and whatever else is relevant. Hold your horses before you send me to the murkydepths for trying to sound deep and what not. Think about it, the way I see it, is that Love simply can not something that can be define by a single idea/notion. Take for instance the people that see love as pain…They see it as just that. Simply put they left out the romance and practical bits out and we just can’t have that can we.
I don’t claim to the man who wrote the book on love. Hell I’m not even sure if I have ever been TRULY in love which always seems to trouble me and I not even sure if it happened that way because of me, yet luckily I managed to keep my wits about me (“,). To be honest nothing sums up my knowledge, view, and or opinion about people truly in love than this quote “I want to witness love, I’ve never seen it close”. Kinda tragic really…
That being said the above are my views on the matter which I believe to be right and until I am convinced otherwise by some brilliant argument, they will remain as such.
The reason I say I’m not truly sure if I’ve ever been truly been in love with someone is I believe there to be a big…no wait actually a huge difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. If you follow you will realise you love your siblings, parents, your mates and blah blah blah…you get the picture. Being in love with someone, ok well we don’t need Sherlock Holmes to deduce what that means. There is only one at a time. Fact.
Now comes the part where the four letters of LOVE are overwhelmed by the sheer power and influence of its 3 word, 8 letter 1st cousin. I LOVE YOU. Lets take a second to marvel at its sheer power. WOW
The things I and I’m pretty sure the rest of you have seen happen simply due the utterance of these 3 words. Countless men have sent running towards the hills never to be seen again, women lost to the padded rooms of sanatoriums across the globe. The stories are endless, the badass who gets his act together cause he has fallen (another one bites the dust), headstrong-moral girls born with chastity belts bedded because someone lied and uttered I love you.
Can you blame them?! I mean what do you do when someone tells you that they love you?! Is there even a correct protocol for this type thing. Honesty I believe you fell in love with a person long before you first told them, which just sets the scene for something messy to take place, should he/she not respond in the manner you wished they would. What does mean for a relationship. I mean love is supposed to be forever, or is it…Hmmm.
People I would not recommend telling your friends you love them too often, from time to time they happen to take it wrong way. As the V.C of the KoolKids I can unequivocally state that, that’s not kool.
So now this bit took me really really long to write just cause the above seven paragraphs can’t begin to sum up the matter. I mean I’ve discussed what it means to me and some of the effects of what I’ve seen happen when this gift and curse is expressed to a significant other either verbally or otherwise.
What I’ve noticed during the countless conversations I’ve had about the matter with the important people in my life is, the different lengths with people are willing to go to find love. I mean considering that the ‘reward’ is supposed to be worth the effort and then some. One would think that a person would go to the depths of hell and beyond to find love. One would think…though in my experience this is hardly ever the case. Among the people I know. This begs the question…Should it really be that hard if its meant to be?! Then again I believe anything worth having is worth fighting/working for. Let me explain what I mean when I say among the people I know. Truth is the woman my friends fall in love with (seeing as how I don’t have much expertise in the matter) always seem to require the utmost effort and sacrifice and I don’t use that term loosely. I’m talking moving across continents to be with one another, ending of long term friendships that are toxic to said relationship, etc. More often than not these unions don’t work out. I honestly believe that it wasn’t not meant to be just that the timing was so awfully wrong that the amount of effort required realistically was not possible. That word “realism” has no place in realm of love most of time, which adds a bit of insult to injury.
Really is a crying shame when you think of what could have been. I am of the sternest belief that regret is by far the worst emotion one can experience! Hell could be 5 years down the line and you still thinking what if…how shit is that?! Throw caution to wind and go for it no matter what the possible risks? I don’t know if I could, even after all that I’ve said but if that was a facebook page I’d click like a thousand times.
Either way some of the best advice I’ve received was not to life for it tragedies but for its many beauties. Lets toast to all people fortunate enough to find love and lets leave it that…
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